At Frederick Bodywork, we offer science-based therapeutic massage in a clinical office setting.
Problem Focused
No Need to Get Undressed
No Oils or Lotion
Has your doctor or physical therapist suggested that you might benefit from massage therapy?
Schedule a consultation today to see how we can help.
At Frederick Bodywork, we specialize in the treatment of:
Migraines and Headaches
TMJ Syndrome
Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Residual Pain from Whiplash and other Sprain/Strain Injuries

FOCUSED BODYWORK | You know what doesn't feel right. By working together to set clear goals, we're able to focus each session on the areas that you decide need the most attention that day.
EFFICIENT BODYWORK | By focusing each treatment session on your goals, we're able to use the minimum number of sessions necessary to get you feeling and moving better.
EMPOWERING BODYWORK | Good therapy ultimately leads to good self-care, and every session includes take-home tools to help you take control of your own pain and movement therapy.

Benefits of regular bodywork include:
Decreased Pain
Improved Mobility
Better Body Awareness
Better Posture
Reduced Muscle Fatigue and Soreness
Reduced Recovery Time Between Workouts

Aaron Exum
licensed massage therapist
I started Frederick Bodywork because I believe that massage therapy has more to offer than a relaxing day at the spa. Good bodywork can alleviate pain, improve mobility, and increase body awareness, in addition to decreasing stress and anxiety.
My work draws on a strong foundation in anatomy and physiology, and an ever growing toolbox of techniques, including myofascial release and cranio sacral therapy.
​Each massage session is unique, and I enjoy working with my clients to tailor our limited time together to better meet their specific needs and goals.
Want to know more about me? Read on​​